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Other Services

Other services are inclusive of, but not limited to, this list below. This work is done on a case-by-case basis. 


  • Plug, relocate & re-drill lever position - This is done if the harp's neck has shifted so much that the original lever position is no longer suitable, and therefore is causing persistent buzzing. Common on older lever harps.

  • Replace eyelets - This is done for older brass eyelets which have cracked and are cutting into the string. Common on older pedal and lever harps.

  • Replace pedal caps set - These are replaced on harps where the current pedal caps have worn out. Common for harpists who are like ducks: a lot of pedalling (or is it paddling)?

  • Replace a pedal rod - This is replaced if a pedal rod breaks. Pedal harps only.

  • Re-lubricate pedal rod tubing assembly - This is done if the harp has persistent column buzzing from the tubing assembly. Pedal harps only.

  • Replace old-style base bolt bushing - This is done if old-style base bolt bushings are pulling out the base frame, which could require major factory repair if not replaced soon enough. They are replaced with a new style. Pedal harps only.

  • Install pickups - Pickups for plugging into amplifiers, effects pedals, etc. There are various types of pickups available for pedal or lever harp. 

  • Polish tuning pins - This restoration work is done if the tuning pins are tarnished, dirty or dull. It restores them to a nice shine again! This cannot be done on extremely corroded tuning pins. Pedal or lever harps.

  • Re-solder or replace pickups or other parts on Electroacoustic harps - I specialise in Lyon & Healy/Salvi electro-acoustics, but will try my best to help with whatever brand it is.

  • Clean and polish the wood of the harp


  • Polish & re-lacquer pedal brass - This restoration work can be done for older harps which have tarnished pedal brass. This work automatically includes a new set of pedal caps too. 

  • Upgrade a full set of levers or lever harp hardware - This can be done for lever harps which have extremely corroded hardware or a style of levers which are outdated and hard to use. This is especially useful for Kempster harps which can be upgraded to a full new set of Camac levers & bridge pins. 

  • Polish or clean other harp parts

Some photo & video examples

Replaced corroded base hardware

This harp must have been played at a few beach weddings to get this corroded! Luckily I was able to get the old bolts out and replace them with new ones.

Example of broken levers

This video is an example of a way levers can break. These are 3 'smashed' levers which I ended up replacing. Smashed levers occur when the stop mechanism inside the lever is broken and the lever will not stop in the correct position. This commonly happens when people transport their lever harps in cars with the levers face-down.

Replace cracked eyelets

These brass eyelets on the left were quite cracked and were cutting into the strings. The lowest eyelet in the right photo is an example of a new one after replacing.

Example of severely broken eyelets
IMG_6220 2_edited.jpg

These eyelets have been broken so long that the strings have severely cut into the centerstrip. This requires more rework but is very fixable.

Polished pedal brass

Polishing pedal brass really makes a huge difference to the look of the pedals.

Polished tuning pins

Polished pins on the left, unpolished on the right.

Install pickup

I installed a simple yet effective 2-point pickup on this pedal harp. Pickups also available for lever harps. Great for gigs! 

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